Monday, September 2, 2013


side split

there are many levels of complexity I could descend into with this project but I'm finding these days that time is a commodity I have so little of.  Thus I feel this is a good compromise.  Plus I like simple.
this side split takes into account two key factors:
1. wood end grain should not be glued to wood end grain,
2. I don't want any end grain exposed to the slot, where precision is most important
to achieve the second end grain will be exposed under the lid. this could be fixed with a thin cap layer, but that would damage the minimal, functional aesthetic

I've been listening to digitally imported since 2000.  have always loved electronic music.
now I love their new web design.  their mobile app is also pretty sweet ; )

sides pre dissect

how am I going to build the sides with those slots in a precise way that doesn't disrupt the aesthetic ...

lid piece top dims


axle assembly

    1x bottom dim=160x160x10
    1x axle dim=20x20x100
    1x bearing radius=20
    4x axle_key dim=*axle_key_top_dims.png
    4x lid_piece dim=*lid_piece_top_dim.png

core mechanic top dims

core mechanic top dims full

push piece top dims

push piece

    2x push_align dim=10x30x35
    1x push_button_face dim=10x30x30

x4 push_assembly total:
    8x push_align
    4x push_button_face